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management, reporting and map visualization
A multilingual cloud platform to work with indicators, i.e. entities that have target values, and assigned achievement values based on factual data.
Indicators can range in sophistication; they can include simple manual indicators, as well as list indicators, comprising more than one 'indicator items', each assigned a different weight. Also, model indicators, where the target values are not manually entered but calculated through models, including machine learning models.
We wish hereby like to warmly thank the EU/ EASME and Horizon 2020 research and innovation program for granting us funding for SMETHOD, that set the ground-stone for the development of this environment
a. leiminte in a nutshell
Work is organized in one or many projects, set up in a project category. Indicators are created within the project category, and apply across all projects; they may also be created, separately in every single project. Various users may be set up with various access rights. Each project may also be attached a number of additional, accompanying resources (tables, forms, checklists). Achievement data can be entered at any time by the authorized users.
In process, or final reports can be produced at any time. Two types of reports are possible; public and private depending on how their attached resources are classified.
If the indicator projects have a spatial dimension a visualization map can be set up providing graphical access to the project data and indicators.
b. videos, screencasts, slides
Introductory video (1min)
Presentation slides (9)
Eco- sustainability projects are currently implemented in 15 hotels in Cyprus and their progress and performance indicators are monitored via LEIMINTE. Due to the spatial context of the projects, the map visualization has been enabled. For the Star Growth project, a EC COSME project
The innovation potential of companies financed by public authorities was modelled in LEIMINTE based on data of various public authorities. For the SMETHOD Horizon project, a pivotal moment for the development of LEIMINTE, as acknowledged in the here
case studies
What are projects and project categories?A Project is where you carry out your work, where you set up and manage your indicators and their achievement data. Projects and collectively grouped and managed in Project Categories. Project Categories are allocated resources such as indicators, checklists, forms, tables, etc. that are immediately made available to all their underlying projects
What are examples of projects and project categories?A project may correspond to some partner (the project name will then be the partner name), to different sites, to many operational units, etc. It all depends on how how wish to manage your monitoring activity. A project category will then be a container holding all these many projects. Although a project category may contain only one project in the usual case a project category will have many projects, i.e., separate 'items' that need a separate monitoring and assessment via indicators often by separate users.
Do I set up my project category and projects therein?No; leiminte will set up a project category for you, with a name you will specify and holding the number of projects you will request. At the same moment it will also set up diverse types of resources, such as indicator categories and indicators, checklists, data tables, project forms, etc., according to your requirements Then you will log in your category administration, create your projects and manage all their allocated resources, including of course the indicators and their achievements which are central to the approach and will always be present. The other resources (forms, checklists, etc.) will be available only if you request them and they add value to your work, by managing supplementary, to the core assessment, information.
How do I create projects?You can create them manually, one by one, or collectively, if there are many, via a sheet upload, on which you must have entered all the necessary information. Your max project number must be respected.
How many types of indicators are supported?Manual indicators, where you specify your goal typically as a number. For example, the reach of a marketing campaign over various media can be set at 10.000. Then authorized users can enter achievements of the indicator together with details of means used, location, etc. List indicators that comprise many separate items each contributing to the indicator with a separate weight. The weights can be fixed or set by the user. For example, you can have a sustainability indicator that has many underlying items (sub indicators) each of whom participates with a different weight to the indicator Model indicators, which are based on a parametric model. These are suitable in physical phenomena when your goal (indicator) can be represented as a mathematical expression that will be calculated when the data are made available. You might notice in the use cases some machine learning classification indicators; this is no more supported directly in leiminte.
What are indicator maps and when are they pertinent?When there is spatial dimension to your indicators. For example, a specific event that was organized at some city and you wish to demonstrate the attendance on a google map
Does the number of resources I require for my projects affect the pricing?Pricing is affected by the number of projects you require. This applies for a setup up to 100 projects. For bigger setups we will need to quote separately. Without any additional cost your project category can be assigned up to: 2 indicator categories with as many 10 indicators each 1 project form with up to 20 customization fields 1 checklist with up to 20 entries 1 data table with up to 50 cells If the requirements exceed the above figures a separate quote needs to be elaborated. Also, as the structure of these resources are set up by us and are then released to your category administrator, we will need to first see into your exact structure requirements to check their feasibility.
Does the number of users I require affect the pricing?We will assign one administrator to the project category; he can then assign separate users for managing the various indicators. There is no fee for this, for up to 10 users. If more are required we will need to quote separately.
What is the refunding policy?All remaining period, after the running month, will be refunded. No questions asked.
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